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Image depicting Zoo in England celebrates the birth of rare antelope calf

Zoo in England celebrates the birth of rare antelope calf


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Recently, an antelope calf (baby) called Freya was born at the Marwell Zoo in Hampshire, England.

What is so special about Freya?

Freya is a rare type of antelope called the scimitar-horned oryx. These oryxes have been declared extinct in the wild. This means that they are now only found at zoos and other protected areas.

Oxyxes are large types of antelopes with almost straight horns. Scimitar-horned oryxes were once found across North Africa. But they were declared extinct in the wild in 2000.

The Marwell Zoo

The Marwell Zoo is currently running an important programme to save the scimitar-horned oryx. Since 1971, 378 calves have been born at the zoo.

For now, Freya is doing well. It is living with its parents, Christina and Tenzi, as well as white rhinos, zebras and ostriches at the zoo.


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