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Image depicting Personal Development: Kids Marathon Story

Personal Development: Kids Marathon Story

Sometimes in life, we think that working hard is not worth it, but we don’t realise its importance. I have had many such moments in my life. One such moment is the 10 km marathon that I ran 3 years ago.

I was exceedingly tensed. It was 4:00 AM in the morning and I was just about to run a 10 km marathon. I had no idea how I was about to do this but I was determined to do it. Then again, I was only 7 years old! I was extremely nervous but stood at the starting line with my father.

I sprinted as fast as I could when the flag was waved and the marathon officialy began. But then, my father told me to relax as this was 10 km and I would be exhausted if I ran this fast. I slowed down and drank some water. I continued jooging without a break.

After around 4 km I started to gasp for breath and slowed down a bit. Then came another water break, after which I was recharged with energy. The relentless hard running with only a few breaks paid off. I ran as fast as the wind in the final 2 km and earned a medal for myself.

I learnt that relentless hardwork, passion and self-belief always gives a fruitful result. In this case, a medal and recognition.

Note from the Editor:

This personal development story is a great example of perseverance and determination. It shows how a young athlete overcame challenges to achieve their goal.

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Shreyansh Jha

6, Campion, Mumbai, Maharashtra

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