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Image depicting Prashikha's Teacher's Day Floral Tribute

Prashikha’s Teachers’ Day Floral Tribute

Image depicting Prashikha's Teacher's Day Floral Tribute

Blooming Talent: A Floral Salute

Miss Prashikha, your creative endeavor on Teachers’ Day is a beautiful intersection of art and sentiment. Crafting a handmade paper flower bouquet as a tribute to Teachers’ Day is not just art; it’s a heartfelt message wrapped in petals and colors.

Crafting with Purpose: Beyond Artistry

What you’ve created goes beyond mere decoration—it’s a meaningful gesture that will surely brighten any educator’s day. The time and skill you invested speak volumes about your respect for teachers and your passion for art.

Young Visionary: The Future is Bright

Your contribution to Curious Times, a leading platform for children, shows that you’re already on a pathway to greatness. You’re not just a student but also an influencer for your peers, setting a high standard for what young minds can accomplish.

Don’t let this be a stopping point; let it be a stepping stone to more incredible creations. The world needs more artists and visionaries like you. Keep crafting, keep dreaming, and most importantly, keep inspiring!

Miss Prashikha, you’ve done more than make a bouquet—you’ve made a difference.

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Curious Times is a leading newspaper and website for kids. We publish daily global news aligned to your learning levels (also as per NEP 2020): Foundational, Preparatory (Primary), Middle and Senior. So, check out the News tab for this. We bring kids’ favourite Curious Times Weekly newspaper every weekend with top news, feature stories and kids’ contributions.

ME – My Expressions at Curious Times is your place to get your work published, building your quality digital footprint. And it is a good way to share your talent and skills with your friends, family, school, teachers and the world. Thus, as you will step into higher educational institutes your published content will showcase your strength.

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2, Delhi Public School Jankipuram Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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