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My Expressions

Image depicting Shiny Davison, The Indian Academy, Dubai

Shiny Davison, The Indian Academy, Dubai: Reimagining Future

Ms. Shiny Davison, The Indian Academy Muhaisanah Dubai joins Curious Times to celebrate Teachers Day and shares her views on Teachers: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining Future! She is an eminent Leader and Educationist and has been inspiring students and future generation of teachers.

Curious Times, the leading school newspaper and children’s website is pleased to bring perspectives of Senior Educationists and teachers to our readers on Teachers Day 2022. Over the past 3 years a lot has changed in the education sector, teaching methods, curricula, use of technology, introduction of NEP 2020, emphasis on mental wellbeing of children and how schools shape careers of next the generation. We believe that the energy and enthusiasm of the leaders to adapt to these changes will help not just leading through the crisis of learning gaps but also reimagining the future of education.

Here is our conversation with Ms. Shiny Davison, The Indian Academy, Dubai:

Curious Times: Technology has brought about a shift in the teaching and learning ecosystem. As you reimagine future, what, in your opinion, would be the role of technology and what would be the role of teachers?

Shiny Davison: I very personally advocate the embarking of technology in education. The use of several technologies has resulted in better overall personality development of the students. The students are more connected to the world, and the better-equipped classrooms undeniably increase a student’s capabilities and engagement. I have not been very tech-savvy and I have learned a lot and seen the paradigm shift in the educational sector. In most simple words, when the world stopped learning did not stop in the last two years.
• Technology assistance to the teachers, as they can keep track of data, and documentation and saves paper.
• The process of studying becomes more interesting for students.
• A tech-savvy environment leads to the generation of better performance both in teachers and students.
• Access to a massive amount of information increases awareness among the students.
The last two years saw a revolutionary transformation in the education sector pertaining to the use of the latest technologies.
In all this, I would certainly say there will be a shift in the role of a teacher but never a replacement. We as educators too would like to see the change in the classroom setting where there has been no change for 100 years. The position of the teacher in the front of the class has definitely shifted to among the students. The role that a teacher now does is a facilitator

Curious Times: NEP 2020 puts a lot of emphasis on skilling and co-curricular activities. How will this have a positive impact on learning outcomes in the future?

Shiny Davison: All kinds of skills like soft skills, life skills hard skills, and technical skills are very essential for an inclusive school. I strongly have seen that a skill-based learning environment promotes greater independence. When a school is focused on skills-based instruction students are more likely to think at a higher level and solve problems on their own. This needs to develop right from kindergarten and NEP is actually based on this truth. It is essential to see it implemented for primary school children who are being introduced to new ideas and concepts every day. Skill development and skill-based education for the students will help them to get an understanding of choosing their career.

Curious Times: What role can schools play in making students reach their potential careers?

Shiny Davison: Schools do have a major role in introducing the students to career choices and most leaders in the school. Most of us believe that career counseling begins after your board exams, however, I would like to say that it should begin at a very young age by letting the child identify his interest and nurturing the same. Providing extracurricular activities that lead to the interest in choosing a career. High schoolers should be given awareness of trending job opportunities by inviting guest speakers. Involve children in aptitude tests and courses which can be made available in school. Providing students with internships.

Curious Times: The pressures in the 21st century are different from earlier times. What will be the role of schools and teachers in mental wellbeing of students going forward?

Shiny Davison: Mental well-being is very essential because a student’s well-being and academic excellence are intertwined. Hence, I believe schools should, therefore, not only be a place for students to learn but also be a place where students’ well-being is very important. Schools should educate students along with their parents on signs/ symptoms of mental health issues in order to measure their mental wellbeing. Schools should provide a safe, comfortable environment that is conducive to student learning. Students should be taught the value of supporting one another as well as the dangers of bullying. I believe the school’s well-being program will have an impact on practically everyone, including students, faculty, and staff. They can incorporate well-being into the curriculum of the school. This can boost students’ intrinsic motivation, academic performance, and school contentment. This also reduces disciplinary issues and contributes to personal, community, and national thriving. It is a fact that studies have even shown that students that are happier learn more effectively.

Curious Times: As you reimagine the future, how can schools become inclusive and accommodate students from all ethnicities or with different abilities?

Shiny Davison: I would rather prefer to take up the policy as NCLB, No Child Left Behind. Inclusiveness should begin in all aspects of human life however in recent times school leaders and teachers have taken a keen interest in educating the school community about inclusiveness. At the school level, teachers must be trained, buildings must be refurbished, and students must receive accessible learning materials about inclusiveness. All students learn differently. This is a principle of inclusive education. In an inclusive classroom, teachers weave in specially designed instruction and support that can help students make progress.
This isn’t an easy task but as a leader, I am sure the process will bloom and be nourished in all sectors of the society

Shiny Davison: I would like to express my gratitude to the rulers of this nation for the massive steps taken in order to upgrade the educational sector. To raise an economy the basic ingredient is education. The DSIB inspection for all schools has truly improved the life of a student in school and the learning for both the student and teachers. I conclude my statement by saluting the teaching community for what they have achieved in the past two years.

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