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Image depicting Tijay Gupta, Bachpan and AHPS Group of Schools

Tijay Gupta, Bachpan and AHPS Group: Reimagining Future

Mr. Tijay Gupta, Bachpan and AHPS Group of Schools joins Curious Times to celebrate Teachers Day and shares his views on Teachers: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining Future! He is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of leading chain of schools.

Curious Times, the leading school newspaper and children’s website is pleased to bring perspectives of Senior Educationists and teachers to our readers on Teachers Day 2022. Over the past 3 years a lot has changed in the education sector, teaching methods, curricula, use of technology, introduction of NEP 2020, emphasis on mental wellbeing of children and how schools shape careers of next the generation. We believe that the energy and enthusiasm of the leaders to adapt to these changes will help not just leading through the crisis of learning gaps but also reimagining the future of education.

Here is our conversation with Mr. Tijay Gupta, Bachpan and AHPS Group of Schools:

Curious Times: Technology has brought about a shift in the teaching and learning ecosystem. As you reimagine future, what, in your opinion, would be the role of technology and what would be the role of teachers?

Mr. Tijay Gupta: Technology has gained a whole new dimension in the education sector. While until recent years, the tech-learning and teaching ecosystem implied that a school was pioneering, the use of technology is now increasingly becoming fundamental to quality education. The role of teachers also extends beyond academic instruction. Teachers play a vital role in inculcating digital competence and high order thinking skills in students, and the combination of technological methods and different teaching methodologies make a perfect combination for achieving that futuristic objective.

Curious Times: NEP 2020 puts a lot of emphasis on skilling and co-curricular activities. How will this have a positive impact on learning outcomes in the future?

Mr. Tijay Gupta: The significance of skilling and co-curricular activities cannot be overstated. The ultimate aim of any education is to make students future-ready, to prepare them for success in life and career. When the learning process goes beyond theory towards experiential learning, it helps the kids understand and retain concepts longer. Also, co-curricular activities help to develop one’s self-confidence, public speaking skills, creative thinking, and overall personality. This all is bound to improve student learning outcomes, more so in the future when technological methods are likely to make learning more fun and engaging.

Curious Times: What role can schools play in making students reach their potential careers?

Mr. Tijay Gupta: Schools have an important role to play in making students reach their full potential as well as potential careers. Giving students the required exposure is of prime importance in this regard. There are so many ways that schools can give exposure to kids, such as by organizing trips and excursions, conducting competitions and seminars, and carrying out co-curricular activities. However, schools should not treat these ways as complementary as they form the core of holistic education. When students develop holistically and get exposed to all the choices out there for them, it becomes easy for them to figure out their best career.

Curious Times: The pressures in the 21st century are different from earlier times. What will be the role of schools and teachers in mental wellbeing of students going forward?

Mr. Tijay Gupta: It’s a dynamic century, and the pressures of this century are equally dynamic. There is increasing competition and complex forms of peer pressure and anxieties. What is gratifying is that mental health is gaining prominence like never before and it is absolutely remarkable. Schools and teachers have a great role to play in the mental well-being of students. We can motivate students to seek help when necessary, teach them relaxation techniques, and keep parents always in the loop whenever any student shows any unusual sign/symptom of distress or aggression.

Curious Times: As you reimagine the future, how can schools become inclusive and accommodate students from all ethnicities or with different abilities?

Mr. Tijay Gupta: Inclusivity is a broad domain. The first step for any school is to increase accessibility on their premises for students with disabilities (the visually impaired, physically challenged, deaf) by means of the necessary equipment, and increase accessibility for students of diverse ethnicities/castes/creeds by giving a warm welcome/admission to everybody qualified. Inclusivity is more a stand of mind. Schools need to give proper training to teachers and staff and sensitize them on how to deal with learners of varied needs and how to make the best of the diversity they find themselves in.

Curious Times: Schools prepare children for higher education. Should competitive exams have a different curriculum than schools?
Coaching classes and ed-tech companies have been supplementing the school education. What do you think should be their role?

Mr. Tijay Gupta: School education, coaching classes, and ed-tech companies need to work in consonance for the best student learning outcomes. Moreover, schools should themselves have a curriculum that strengthens the base of students for competitive exams, teachers should play the additional role of that of a coach and guide students in whatever way possible and learning technologies should be availed of in the teaching methods. When all this happens, it will take away the unnecessary stress from students’ lives and everything will direct them to their goals unanimously.

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