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My Expressions

Unseen Strength: Poem by Chetna

I never had a shoulder to cry on,
When I needed someone
It was you who came as light and miracles started taking place
When you went darkness evoked
Yet not found a shoulder to cry on.

I learned to stand on my feet all by myself
But yes I waited for that spotlight like “a thirsty man waiting for water”
Yet I never had a shoulder to cry on.

Yet taking all the courage I stood up
and thought of fighting the world on my own.
Yet I never had a shoulder to cry on.

Today me and myself fighting the whole world alone
realising that spotlight is gone
forever from my life
Yet I never had a shoulder to cry on

But again I could see a ray of light
But this time I feared whether I would be left out again
But yes this time I actually had a shoulder to cry on
and this was

From the Editor:

Chetna, your words resonate with resilience. Life’s challenges may have seemed daunting, but your strength shines through like a beacon.

Your Journey’s Light Amidst the darkness, your determination led the way. Your journey, though solitary at times, is a testament to your inner light.

Triumph in Solitude Standing tall, you faced the world with unwavering courage. Even when you felt alone, you found the strength within.

Embrace Success Success, the ultimate companion, now stands by your side. Your journey has led you to the embrace of triumph. Keep shining, Chetna!

Chetna, in your poetic verses, you’ve shared the story of inner strength and perseverance. May your words continue to inspire and light the way for others.

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Grade 12, Asoka World School, Kochi, Kerala

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