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Image depicting Vanilla Cake

Vanilla Cake – Lip-smacking and simple!

Howdy, kids! Time to introduce you to another lip-smacking recipe. 

As easy as a,b,c,….you’ll learn how to make these dishes in no time. You could surprise your family member or anyone special with your chef skills. Be the next Chef Ninja!

Who knows, you might also become the next MasterChef! At Curious Times, we believe anything is possible. 

Today we share with you the simple steps of making a “Vanilla Cake” – The cake will give you lots of energy and smiles to play and study all day long.

What do you need to get started?

  • 3/4 cups of refined wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup of refined white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1/2 cup refined oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • Hand Mixer
  • Oven
  • One cake pan of 6 inches
  • 1 bowl for mixing ingredients

Follow these easy steps

  • Put refined flour, white sugar, baking powder, vanilla essence in the mixing container
  • Next break open the eggs in the mixing container
  • Add cream and refined oil to the mixture
  • Use the hand mixture to mix all the contents till you see air bubbles in the mixture
  • Preheat the oven at 180 degrees celcius for 15 minutes
  • Next glisten the cake pan with oil and then put some refined wheat flour
  • Gently pour the cake batter into the cake pan
  • Safely place the cake pan into the preheated oven
  • Let the batter bake for 20 ~ 25 minutes

It smells delicious

  • You will start getting the delicious aroma of the vanilla cake once it is ready
  • At the end of 20 ~ 25 minutes poke the cake with a knife to check the batter sticks to the knife
  • If the knife comes out clean your cake is ready
  • Gently take the cake pan out and place it in the open to let it cool off
  • Flip the cake pan over a plate and gently remove the cake pan
  • You could glisten the cake with whipped cream or have it as is
  • Slice the cake into pieces and serve it hot

At Curious Times we absolutely love to eat, play and work hard to provide our little readers with the best experience and news. Curious Times Weekly, The Curious Magazine, and My Expressions are just a few ways for us to reach out to our readers with exciting and interesting content. If you have an interesting recipe don’t hesitate to share it with us.

Children from schools all over the world are finding value and loving our content! We always want to be better each day and continue to seek your valuable feedback. You could connect with us on our Social Media via WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn.

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