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Image depicting UGC approves Dual Degree and Twinning Programmes!

UGC approves Dual Degree and Twinning Programmes!


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University Grants Commission (UGC) approves the norms for joint or dual degrees and twinning programmes.  The rules for dual degrees and twinning programmes are set and approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

UGC rules state that National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accredited institutions with a 3.01 score or higher can work with any foreign institution. Also, students who sign up for the jointly-offered programmes will be able to get a certain amount of credit for their courses at a university in another country, depending on the type of programme. 

What is a Twinning Programme?

It is a collaboration between an Indian higher education institution and a foreign higher education institution. It allows students to study part of the time in India and part of the time in a different country.

What is a Dual Degree Programme?

Indian and foreign universities could work together to create and offer a “dual degree programme.” This programme will be for students who want to get two degrees at the same time.

Key benefits for students!

  • The degree that is given out through twinning programmes will come from an Indian institution.
  • The learning programmes will focus on diverse areas of interest such as technical, medical, legal, agricultural, and other types of programmes.
  • Getting a degree from another country won’t be necessary anymore.
  • The degree will have the same benefits, rights, and privileges as a degree from an Indian college or university.
  • A “joint degree programme” is when both Indian and foreign universities work together to make the curriculum.
  • When the programme is done, both universities will give the student a single certificate that says they have earned a degree from both of them.


Online and open and distance learning courses will not be subject to the regulations, as per UGC. Also, it’s not allowed for a foreign higher education institution to set up a franchise or study centre with an Indian higher education institution.

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