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Image depicting Pravind Kumar Jugnauth

Mauritious PM Pravind Kumar Jugnauth’s India visit


Recommended for Middle Grades

The Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, recently went on a visit to India! He’s staying there for eight whole days, starting from Sunday, 17th April 2022. Do you know what he’s doing there? He’s working to make the friendship between India and Mauritius even stronger!

Important Details

  • India and Mauritius are really good friends. They have a lot in common, like their culture and history. In fact, India is one of the biggest trading partners of Mauritius. That means they exchange lots of things with each other.
  • Since 2007, India has been sending goods and services to Mauritius. Some of the things India sends are petroleum products, cereals (like rice and wheat), cotton, shrimp, and frozen meat. On the other hand, Mauritius sends medical instruments, needles, aluminium alloys, and even vanilla to India. Isn’t that interesting?
  • During his visit, Prime Minister Pravind Kumar had some exciting experiences. One of the things he did was attend the ground-breaking ceremony for the WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine. That happened on 19th April 2022, and it took place in Jamnagar. He also went to the Global Ayush Investment and Innovation Summit in Gandhinagar on 20th April. Isn’t it amazing to see leaders from different countries coming together to talk about important things?
  • Oh, and guess what else? The Prime Minister is going to visit Varanasi too! He wants to go and pray at the Kashi-Vishwanath Temple. That’s a very special place for many people in India. Along with his official work in Gujarat and New Delhi, he’s taking time to do something personal and meaningful.
  • So, what do you think about Prime Minister Pravind Kumar’s visit to India? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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