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Image depicting India-UAE trade pact

India-UAE trade pact


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, my little friend! Guess what? India and the UAE have signed a super-duper trade pact! They are shaking hands and making deals like two best buddies. Let’s find out all about it, shall we?

CEPA Magic: India-UAE Trade Pact

  • So, this trade pact thingy is like a special agreement between India and the UAE. It started working its magic on May 1st, 2022. That’s when the deal officially began. The pact is called the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, but let’s just call it CEPA for short.
  • In this CEPA, there are some amazing goodies for Indian exporters. They can sell things like textiles (you know, cool clothes!), yummy dry fruits, sparkling gems and jewelry, and even agricultural stuff to the UAE. And guess what? They don’t have to pay any extra fees called “duty.” It’s like getting free ice cream with your pizza!
  • Now, when something like this happens, it means good things for everyone. The trade between India and the UAE is going to grow like a giant beanstalk. They say it might reach $100 billion in just 5 years! That’s a lot of money, my friend. Both India and the UAE are going to benefit from this happy trade deal.
  • India is going to have a super-duper time because the UAE will let them sell their stuff in the UAE market. Almost 97% of the things India wants to sell will have no extra charges. It’s like having a special “welcome” mat for Indian goods. And guess what? 99% of what India sells to the UAE will be treated this way. Talk about being the VIP of exports!
  • Oh, this trade pact is a big deal, my little buddy. It means that India and the UAE are becoming really good friends in the business world. More trade means more money and more fun for everyone. India wants to sell even more things to other countries so that they can make their economy even stronger.
  • So, remember this, my friend: trade pacts are like magic spells that make countries happy. India and the UAE have cast their spell, and now they’re going to have an amazing time trading their awesome stuff. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll see more and more trade pacts making people smile all around the world. Trade on, my friend, trade on!

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