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Image depicting Global Warming and Ocean Memory Loss!

Global Warming and Ocean Memory Loss!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Scientists are worried that global warming is making most of the world’s oceans forget what happened from one year to the next.

What is Ocean Memory?

Researchers have found a link between ocean memory and how thick the top layer of the ocean, called the mixed layer. More heat is stored in deeper mixed layers, which gives them more thermal inertia, which is the same as memory. It has been found that the sea surface temperature changes more when the mixed layer gets thinner.

While the atmosphere has frequent weather swings, the slowly changing water experiences considerable persistence, or “memory”. This implies that the ocean temperature tomorrow is expected to be very similar to today’s, with only minor differences between day and night.

The loss of ocean memory is discovered to be a collective reaction across weather models in response to human-induced warming. As greenhouse gas concentrations continue to grow, this type of memory problem will become more noticeable.

Impact of Ocean Memory loss!

  • Ocean memory loss not only has an impact on the prediction of physical weather variables.
  • But it also has the potential to have an impact on how we manage delicate marine ecosystems.
  • As per experts, a reduction in ocean memory will result in a significant reduction in the fraction of useful signals for prediction in the future.
  • Even though ocean variability will not increase significantly from one year to the next in the future.
  • Experts believe that forecasting land-based influences on temperature, precipitation, and extreme events may be hampered by ocean memory loss. 
  • Our ability to predict and prepare for ocean change, such as marine heatwaves.
  • Which have been observed to cause sudden and pronounced changes in ocean ecosystems around the world.

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