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Image depicting China expands hospitals, ICUs to combat COVID

China expands hospitals, ICUs to combat COVID!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Get ready for an adventure as we dive into the world of China’s hospital-building frenzy and their “fighting efficacy” against COVID-19. 

China is like a busy bee constructing more hospitals and intensive care units because the number of COVID cases is on the rise. The authorities in charge are like the bossy boss, asking for hospitals to level up their game. And you know what that means? More staff members and a supercharged supply of medicine to keep those hospitals fighting fit!

Now, let’s talk about the lockdown measures that had people stuck in their homes, stifling economic growth, and causing some serious protests. But guess what? Despite all that, the number of COVID-19 cases is still growing. 

Important Details

  • Officials were given the mission to check up on the physical well-being of all the folks aged 65 and above in their region. The hospitals are getting upgraded to serve critically ill patients better. And there’s even a grand plan to vaccinate the senior citizens. But hey, don’t grab your popcorn just yet because this process might take a few months. Patience is a virtue, my friends!
  • Meanwhile, the government seems to be moving in a new direction. They’re thinking of tolerating more cases without putting strict restrictions on travel, business, or even quarantines. It’s like they’re trying to join the rest of the world that has eased up on those things. They want to live with the virus like a quirky roommate.
  • But here’s the twist: the “zero COVID” policy is expected to stay at least until the middle of 2023. It’s like the plot thickens, and we’re all waiting for the grand finale.
  • According to the experts, millions of elderly people need to be vaccinated before they can relax the restrictions and let tourists roam freely. It’s like a puzzle piece that needs to fit perfectly into place.
  • So that’s tale of China’s hospital-building bonanza and their dance with COVID-19. Remember to stay safe!

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