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Image depicting India's first COVID-19 intranasal vaccine!

India’s first COVID-19 intranasal vaccine!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

On January 26, India will see the introduction of the first intranasal COVID vaccine. Bharat Biotech will introduce its intranasal COVID-19 vaccine iNCOVACC on January 26.

What is nasal vaccine?

A nasal vaccine is one that is given through the nose and doesn’t need a needle.

What is intranasal vaccine?

An intranasal vaccine creates a broad immune response that is needed to stop COVID-19 from getting into the body and spreading.

This will be the first product of its sort to be made available in India.

The intranasal vaccine will cost 325 per shot to the government. Whereas the price of the vaccine would be 800 per shot for private vaccination centres.

Key facts!

  • According to the official announcement, the primary, as well as the booster dose, have been granted approval.
  • People who are older than 18 years old could be required to receive a booster shot of the vaccine.
  • Individuals will receive the administered dose twice.
  • This would be with a gap of one month between each administration.
  • According to experts, the nasal treatment will be listed as one of the “precautionary doses” that people can take as boosters.
  • The nasal treatment underwent clinical testing with hundreds of people around the country.
  • Medical experts feel that nasal vaccination has the potential to be more effective.
  • As there are no needles the dose can be easily administered.
  • In addition, it does not necessitate the use of skilled medical personnel.
  • Furthermore, intranasal also eliminates the risks connected with needles (injuries and infections).

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