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Image depicting Australia's $5 currency to honour natives!

Australia’s $5 currency to honour natives!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Australia’s indigenous people are going to be honoured on the country’s five-dollar bill.

The Reserve Bank of Australia announced that the image of Queen Elizabeth II would be removed from the A$5 banknote. It will be substituted with a renewed design.

This is done to honour and commemorate the history of Australia’s indigenous culture.

Key facts!

  • According to an official statement, the decision to reform Australia’s monetary policy was discussed with the federal government.
  • The federal government of Australia and the Central Bank of Australia were in favour of the change.
  • It was claimed that the image of the Australian Parliament would still be recognisable on the back of the note.
  • King Charles III succeeded his mother as the monarch of the United Kingdom.
  • He also serves as the head of state of Australia, New Zealand, and 12 other Commonwealth nations.
  • King Charles III’s role, however, is largely ceremonial in nature.
  • According to government authorities, the Queen’s personality played a role in the choice to put her image on the Australian five-dollar bill.
  • The Australian administration is also pushing for a vote that would be required in order to amend the constitution.
  • This is done in order to recognise native people.
  • In addition, it requires consultation with them when making decisions that will affect their way of life.
  • The Reserve Bank of Australia has committed to working closely with indigenous organisations in order to produce the new five-dollar bills.
  • The new currency’s design and printing will require a number of years’ worth of time.
  • The note that is currently delinquent will continue to be delinquent until it is paid in full.

The Reserve Bank of Australia shares its role and functions.

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