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Image depicting J. P. Clark - Nigerian Poet

J. P. Clark – Nigerian Poet – French Poet

The month of April is known as National Poetry Writing Month or NaPoWriMo. As we celebrate NaPoWriMo, let’s celebrate a poet each day, and understand their way of writing poetry.

Legacy of J. P. Clark – Nigerian Poet

Poet and screenwriter John Pepper Clark was born in Nigeria in 1935. He is known for his work in Nigeria. John completed his education at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria. His passion for languages made him major in English literature. Thereafter he went on to complete his doctoral work in African studies at Princeton University in the United States.

The Nigerian Civil War is one of the topics that frequently appears in Clark’s writing. In addition to other contemporary social and political problems. His drama “The Ozidi Saga” is based on traditional African mythology. It is considered as one of the most well-known of his works.

J.P. Clark is known for the use of imagery and the fusing of traditional African rhythms with Western literary forms. This imaginative technique make Clark’s poetry so well-known. In addition to his writing, Clark is widely regarded as an influential educator and a mentor to a large number of aspiring authors in Nigeria.

The Ozidi Saga

The Ozidi Saga narrates the tale of a formidable warrior named Ozidi. He endeavours to avenge the perpetrators responsible for his father’s demise. Throughout his journey, he encounters numerous obstacles and engages in conflicts with evil entities. The theatrical production incorporates elements of indigenous African mythology. Further it is renowned for its captivating storyline and vividly portrayed personas.

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