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New Lessons for Smarter Students!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Indian government has released a pre-draft of the National Curriculum Framework for schools. This is an important document that outlines what students should learn in school and how they should learn it.

Let’s learn more about what this means for students in India.

Important Details

  • The National Curriculum Framework is a document that guides what students learn in schools across India.
  • Further, it is updated every few years to ensure that it stays relevant and reflects the changing needs of society.
  • The pre-draft of the new framework was recently released by the government and is open for feedback from the public.
  • The new framework emphasizes the importance of holistic education.
  • In other words, it states that students’ learning should not be limited to just academics.
  • In addition, students should also get an opportunity to focus on life skills, values, and vocational skills.
  • The framework also emphasizes the importance of inclusivity.
  • That is to say that all students, regardless of their background, should have access to quality education.
  • Importantly, the new framework also proposes changes to the way subjects are taught.
  • For example, it suggests that students should learn science through hands-on experiments.
  • Moreoever the students should learn history through stories and local examples.
  • The pre-draft of the new framework emphasizes the importance of holistic education and inclusivity.

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