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Image depicting New Space House with Upside-Down Rooms!

New Space House with Upside-Down Rooms!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Do you ever dream of becoming an astronaut and flying into space? Well, guess what? Airbus, the same company that makes airplanes, is working on designing a new space station that will have artificial gravity!

Let’s learn more about it!

Important Details

  • Airbus is teaming up with a company called Thales Alenia Space to design a space station that will have artificial gravity. In other words, you’ll feel like you’re standing on the ground even though you’re floating in space! How cool is that?!
  • The space station will be called Space Hub and will be made up of different parts. They will be launched separately and then assembled together in space. It will be able to accommodate up to 100 people at a time!
  • Now, you might be wondering how this whole artificial gravity thing is going to work. Well, the space station will use a rotating system that will create a centrifugal force. It is kind of like the force you feel when you’re spinning around really fast. This force will make it feel like you’re standing on a surface and will also help to keep your bones and muscles strong while you’re in space.
  • The Space Hub will also be equipped with lots of other cool stuff! Like a laboratory for conducting experiments, a gym for working out, and even a garden for growing fresh fruits and veggies! And of course, there will be plenty of room to sleep, eat, and hang out with your fellow travellers.
  • So, why is Airbus designing this station? Well, they believe that in the future, more and more people will be traveling to space for work or for fun. So, they want to make sure there are comfortable and safe places for people to stay. Plus, it’s just really cool to be a part of space exploration and to push the boundaries of what we can do as humans.
  • So, there you have it, kiddo! The future is looking pretty exciting with all these cool space projects happening. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll get to visit the Space Hub yourself and experience artificial gravity firsthand!

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Watch a video

The Youtube Channel “SpaceSciNewsroom” demonstrates how gravity works in space.

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