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Image depicting Leonardo Vinci realised gravity before Newton!

Leonardo Vinci realised gravity before Newton!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Greetings, bright-eyed seeker! Let us tell you an amazing story about a super smart guy named Leonardo da Vinci. He was like a superhero because he could do so many things! He was a painter, scientist, engineer, and even an architect. Wow, right?

Now, Leonardo made some drawings a looong time ago, like hundreds of years back. And guess what? Those drawings might show that he knew a lot about gravity, way before famous scientists like Newton and Einstein! Can you believe it? He was like a gravity expert from way back!

But you know what’s even cooler? His sketches were lost for a really long time, and then some super smart researchers found them. Those researchers had to do some fancy work to understand what Leonardo was saying because he wrote his notes in a funny way, from right to left. It’s like a secret code!

Gravity Genius

  • Okay, here’s the exciting part! In his notebooks, Leonardo drew experiments where tiny particles fell from a pitcher. And guess what happened? The particles fell faster and faster, just like how gravity works! It was like they were in a hurry to get to the ground.
  • Now, hold on tight because here comes the mind-blowing part. Leonardo lived from 1452 to 1519, way before Galileo, Newton, and Einstein were even born! Those famous scientists didn’t think about gravity until much later. Leonardo was like a genius, light years ahead of his time!
  • But you know what? Leonardo had a tiny problem. His tools weren’t as good as ours today. He couldn’t figure out exactly how much time it took for things to fall. But that didn’t stop him from thinking big. He knew that gravity was pulling those particles down, and that was a big discovery!
  • Although Leonardo couldn’t write an equation like we do in school, he still had some brilliant ideas. Just imagine, in the early 1500s, he was already thinking about gravity and how things fall. That’s like having a time machine and going into the future to see what scientists will discover!
  • Isn’t it amazing how someone from so long ago could know such cool stuff? Leonardo da Vinci was a true genius, and his ideas are still inspiring scientists today. So, the next time you think about gravity and how things fall, remember that Leonardo was the real superhero of gravity!
  • And guess what? All this cool research about Leonardo was featured in a special journal called “Leonardo.” They named it after him because he was so awesome! So, let’s give a big cheer for Leonardo da Vinci, the gravity genius! Yay!

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