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Image depicting Special Talks: Jaishankar & Belgian Prime Minister!

Special Talks: Jaishankar & Belgian Prime Minister!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Guess what? The Minister of External Affairs, Mr. Jaishankar, went on a super cool adventure! He traveled to three different countries: Bangladesh, Sweden, and Belgium.

And guess where he ended up? Brussels, the capital of Belgium!

Important Details

  • In Brussels, Mr. Jaishankar met with the Prime Minister of Belgium, Mr. Alexander De Croo. They had a big chat about how their countries can work together and be friends. They talked about stuff like trade, technology, and even some important things happening in the world right now.
  • Oh, and guess what else? Mr. Jaishankar brought a special message from our very own Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi! Isn’t that cool? He told Mr. De Croo that our Prime Minister says hi. Mr. Jaishankar wasn’t alone either. He had his buddies, Mr. Piyush Goyal and Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar, with him.
  • They also met a really important person, Ursula von der Leyen. She’s the President of the EU Commission. They had a nice talk about trade, technology, and all sorts of stuff. Mr. Jaishankar was so happy about it that he wrote a message on Twitter to thank her.
  • You know what’s happening tomorrow? The big meeting! It’s called the India-EU Trade and Technology Council. Mr. Jaishankar will be there, and they’re going to talk about all kinds of cool things like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and cybersecurity. They want to share ideas and work together.
  • The Trade and Technology Council is a big deal. It’s the second one the European Union has ever had, and it’s all thanks to our Prime Minister and the President of the European Commission. They started it last year when the President came to visit India.
  • There are three groups in the Council. One is all about fancy technologies and digital stuff. Another group focuses on green and clean energy. And the last group talks about trade, investment, and strong connections.
  • Therefore, Mr. Jaishankar is having a fantastic time in Belgium, forming new friendships, engaging in significant discussions. He’s doing an outstanding job as a representative of our nation on this thrilling journey!

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