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Image depicting India France Bilateral Agreement 2022

India France Bilateral Agreement 2022!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Well, hello, seeker of knowledge! Guess what? India and France have become best buddies in the ocean world! They signed a super cool agreement called the “India-France Bilateral Agreement 2022.” It’s like a special promise between the two countries to help each other out with ocean stuff.

Let’s dive into the important details and find out more!

Ocean Allies: India and France Unite for a Sustainable Future

  • The agreement covers lots of exciting things like marine trade (that’s when they exchange cool ocean stuff), fishing (catching those tasty fishies), marine technology (fancy gadgets for exploring the sea), and scientific research (figuring out all the ocean secrets).
  • They also want to keep an eye on the ocean and study it. It’s like being ocean detectives! This is called ocean observation, and it helps them understand what’s happening in the big blue.
  • Taking care of the ocean’s environment is super important too. They want to manage it well and keep the water clean and healthy. They even want to make eco-tourism a thing, where people can enjoy the ocean while still protecting it.
  • India and France want to be superheroes for the United Nations Sustainable development goals. They want to help the world become a better place and make sure everyone has what they need to live happily.
  • They also want to make sure that fishermen can do their job while still keeping the ocean safe. It’s like finding a balance between catching fish and making sure there are enough fish for the future.
  • The two countries will be best buddies in sharing information and cool ideas to make things better. They want to improve the tools they have, deal with climate change, make ports better, have great storage places, and even make shipyards more awesome.
  • Guess what? Science is going to be extra fun too! India and France will work together to discover new things and solve mysteries of the ocean. They’ll even have students and researchers visit each other’s countries to learn and share knowledge. How cool is that?
  • India and France are joining forces to become ocean champions! They want to protect the ocean, make it healthy, and help people who depend on it. By working together and sharing ideas, they can make a big difference and have fun while doing it!
  • So, my little ocean explorer, India and France are teaming up to save the day for the oceans! They signed a special agreement that covers everything from trade to fishing, science to eco-tourism. They want to make the world a better place and keep the ocean happy.
  • Together, they will make amazing discoveries and help people live their best lives. Isn’t it awesome when countries become ocean pals? Let’s cheer for India and France and their ocean adventures!

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