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External To Internal (Poem)

Beyond the guardrails, is the other side,
Or is it really the other side?
In my reality do I abide,
Or do I rest on a dream inside?

Somewhere in nature’s hide,
I see a pathway to ride.
Narrow ,unsure , unclear from where the worlds seem to collide,
When taken, it’s so clear , pure n wide.

Beyond my cakes n coffee , should I seek a guide?
For my will to soar high and my spirit to glide,
But where to go to look for this guide,
On the outside or in my heart deep inside?

Where my desires are untied,
And my BEING and my SOUL are unified.
Is this really a mystery to explore?
Or May be it’s just the Truth to restore.

  (Please login to give a Curious Clap to your friend.)


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