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Indian Navy gets first-ever woman pilot

Recommended for Middle Grades

Hiya, little adventurer, gather ’round for an amazing story! Today, we have a super cool and emotionally exciting news to share! drum roll Meet Sub-lieutenant Shivangi, a brave and awesome lady who just became the FIRST-EVER woman pilot for the Indian Navy! Woohoo!

Skybound Marvel: First Woman Pilot in Indian Navy!

  • Sub-lieutenant Shivangi will be starting her super-duper duties at the Kochi naval base in Kerala from today! Oh, and guess what? She’ll be flying the incredible Dornier surveillance aircraft, which is like a super spy plane of the Indian Navy! They use it for all kinds of fantastic missions like transport, surveying, and even rescues! It’s like being a real-life superhero up in the sky!
  • Guess where Sub-lieutenant Shivangi was born? In Muzaffarpur, Bihar! Isn’t that awesome? She’s a true inspiration, and she finished her basic training in 2018 at the Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala. That’s like a superhero school for the Navy! Then, she officially joined the Indian Navy last year! She’s been preparing for this adventure for a while now.
  • Oh, and hold your giggles, because there’s more exciting news! By December-end, not one, but two more women pilots, Sub Lt. Shubhangi and Sub Lt. Divya, will also be joining Shivangi in the Indian Navy! It’s like a big team of superhero pilots taking over the skies!
  • Wow, it looks like women are soaring high in the armed forces! Just like how superheroes have their amazing team-ups, we have incredible women joining forces to do great things for our country! Remember, you can be anything you want to be too, no matter if you’re a girl or a boy! The sky’s the limit!
  • So, to wrap it all up with a big, heartfelt hug of excitement, let’s give a huge congratulations to Sub-lieutenant Shivangi! She’s a real-life superhero, flying high in the Indian Navy, making history, and breaking barriers! We’re so proud of her, and she’s an inspiration to us all.
  • Remember, readers, you can achieve anything you dream of with hard work and passion, just like our amazing Sub-lieutenant Shivangi! Yay for girl power and yay for superheroes in real life! Keep shining bright and dream big! The sky is waiting for you!

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