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Image depicting Abhilasha Barak joins Army Aviation Corps!

Abhilasha Barak joins Army Aviation Corps!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Greetings, bright-eyed observer! Let us tell you a super cool and exciting story about Captain Abhilasha Barak, a brave and awesome lady who made history and flew high in the sky!

Once upon a time, in a place called Haryana, there was a girl named Abhilasha. Her dad was a part of the Indian military, and he must’ve been super proud because Abhilasha had big dreams too – she wanted to fly like a bird!

And guess what? Abhilasha didn’t just dream; she believed in her dreams! She worked super hard and completed a special course at the Combat Army Aviation Training School in Maharashtra. This course taught her all the amazing things about flying helicopters!

Sky Soarer: Captain Abhilasha’s Tale!

  • Abhilasha got a fantastic job as a helicopter pilot in the Aviation Corps. But not just any job – she was put in charge of the second flight of the 2072 Army Aviation Squadron. Can you imagine how awesome that is? She was responsible for flying the Dhruv advanced light helicopter (ALH) like a pro!
  • But hold on, my little friend, this is where it gets even cooler. You see, before 2021, only officers in the Indian Air Force and Indian Navy got to fly helicopters. But the Indian Army decided to change that and let brave women like Abhilasha join the aviation department too! This was a big deal because until then, women army officers in the aviation branch only had ground jobs. But Abhilasha showed them that she could fly high too!
  • Now, let us tell you a secret. The Army Aviation Corps is made up of amazing people from every part of the Indian Army. They’re like a big team, and they help in tough places like the Siachen Glacier, which is super high up in the mountains!
  • But here’s a interesting thing, my little friend. Way back in 1992, women were only allowed to join the military in certain fields, like medicine. It took some time, but eventually, they opened up more positions for women in different branches. However, they still don’t let women serve in combat roles or tanks. But that didn’t stop Abhilasha; she became an awesome helicopter pilot instead!
  • So, what can we learn from Abhilasha’s story? We should always believe in our dreams, just like she did. No matter what others say, we can reach for the stars and achieve amazing things!
  • And that’s the incredible story of Captain Abhilasha Barak, the history-making helicopter pilot in the Army Aviation Corps. Always remember, my dear friend, you can do anything you set your mind to – just like Abhilasha! Keep dreaming and flying high!

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