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Study shows giving antibiotics to babies cause allergies in later childhood


Recommended for Middle Grades

Howdy, budding scholar!! Have you ever heard of antibiotics? Well, they are like little superheroes that fight against naughty germs inside our bodies. But guess what? Our story today is about these superheroes doing something we didn’t expect!

Antibiotic Allergies

  • You see, some really smart scientists published their findings in a super important book called JAMA Pediatrics. They said that if babies gulp down these antibiotics, like penicillin or sulfonamide, they might end up getting allergies when they grow up a bit! These allergies can make them sneeze, cough, or even get itchy skin.
  • Why does it happen? You know, babies have a lot of friendly bacteria in their tummies, almost like a mini zoo! But these antibiotics are so strong, they mess up with this tiny zoo, leading to a higher chance of allergies.
  • These scientists looked at the health records of lots of kids in a program called the Department of Defense TRICARE. They noticed that babies who were given these antibiotics within their first half birthday ended up with different types of allergies, like food allergies, asthma, atopic dermatitis, and more.
  • Now, this might sound a little scary. But remember how I said antibiotics were superheroes? Well, even superheroes make mistakes sometimes. They might have caused a bit of trouble for the mini zoo in the babies’ tummies, but it doesn’t mean that these antibiotics are the villains.
  • Here’s the twist in our story, buddies: the scientists didn’t find a direct “it’s your fault” point between antibiotics and these allergies. So we can’t be sure that antibiotics are the only reason for causing these allergies. And this means we need more studies to solve this mystery. Just like detectives, right?
  • Even superheroes can have an off day, but we still need them. And who knows, maybe one day, you could be the one to solve this mystery! How cool would that be?

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