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Childhood Sparks Adult IQ Potential!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Well met, curious mind! We’re going to tell a super-cool, yet heart-tugging story about our amazing brains, and how they grow and change as we do.

Imagine, when you’re just a tiny tot, your brain is like a little engine that’s just starting to hum along. Now, some smart scientists have found out that the tune your brain hums when you’re a toddler might be able to predict how brainy you’ll be when you turn 18! Neat, right?

Brainy Beginnings

  • So, these brainy scientists did an experiment that lasted a looooong time. They started in a far-away land called Romania, where they studied the growing-up journey of some kids who didn’t have a family. It’s a bit sad, but these scientists wanted to see if they could help such kids have a better future.
  • They compared these kiddos with others who were living in happy homes. After many years, when these kids turned 18, they found something interesting. Kids who didn’t live in happy homes didn’t do as well on smartness tests, called IQ tests. That’s important because IQ tests are one way to measure how clever we are.
  • These scientists also discovered that the way our brains hum along when we’re not doing anything – like when we’re daydreaming – can help us understand why some kids ended up being more brainy than others. The tune of your brain can tell a lot about you!
  • Did you know our brains are always working, even when we’re just chilling? Yup, even as we grow up, our brain’s idle tune remains pretty much the same, while our brain power can go up and down.
  • Now, as you grow from a tiny tot to a big kid like a 10-year-old, your brain starts to hum a different tune. It gets rid of the slow tunes, or slow brain waves, and starts playing more of the fast ones. Think of it like your brain cleaning up and making room for bigger and better things.
  • But, sometimes, too much cleaning up isn’t good. It’s like throwing away some toys that you might need for a playdate next week. If a kid doesn’t get enough hugs, love, or brain-boosting activities, their brains might not grow as well as they should. That’s why playing and learning are so important!
  • The brain scientists, who work at a place called the University of Maryland, found out that the teens with the lower scores on the smartness test used to have more slow tunes in their brains when they were toddlers. That’s why it’s so important to make sure kids get lots of love, support, and learning fun.
  • Sometimes, life is tough. Kids might have to deal with things like not having enough to eat or live in places where learning isn’t easy. All these can affect the tune of our brains. This big study is the first one to say that slow brain waves when we’re kids can impact how brainy we are when we grow up.
  • The brain scientists still have a lot to learn. They need to do more studies to be sure about their findings. They also want to find out exactly how slow brain waves can impact our braininess.
  • But, one day, they hope to use our baby brain waves to figure out which kiddos might need a little extra help with their learning. That way, all kids can have the chance to be as brainy as they can be when they grow up. And, that’s the end of our brainy tale for today!

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