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image depicting Bird flu identified in six states in India

Bird flu identified in six states in India


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hundreds of birds have been found dead across the country over the last ten days and it is believed to be due to a type of bird flu.

What is bird flu?

Bird flu is a highly infectious disease that can infect domestic as well as wild birds and animals.

Important Details

  • Bird flu (also called avian influenza) has affected birds in Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Gujarat.
  • They include birds like ducks, crows, geese and chickens.
  • The disease is “zoonotic” –  a disease that can spread from animals to humans.
  • But infections in humans have not been reported in India.
  • 12 epicentres (most affected places) in four states have been identified. Authorities are stepping up efforts to stop the disease from spreading.
  • National parks and wildlife sanctuaries have been asked to be on alert.
  • In India, bird flu spreads mainly by migratory birds coming into the country during the winter months.

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Watch a video

Dr Binocs from Peekaboo Kids explains what causes Bird Flu.


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