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image depicting Amazon deforestation in Brazil hits worst levels in 15 years

Amazon deforestation in Brazil hits worst levels in 15 years


Recommended for Deforestation

As per a report by Brazil’s space agency (INPE), the deforestation (cutting down of forests) of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil has hit its highest level in over 15 years. INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais in the Portuguese language) is Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research.

The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest and around 60% of it is located in Brazil. The forest is home to about three million species of plants and animals as well as one million indigenous (native) people. Moreover, it also plays an important role in providing oxygen to the world and fighting climate change.

The report found that that deforestation increased by 22% between last year and this year. Around 13,235 sq km of forest was lost to deforestation during the 2020-21 period. This is the highest amount since 2006.

COP26 pledge

This report has come after Brazil was one of the countries that promised to end deforestation at this year’s COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. Replying to the report, Brazil’s Environment Minister Joaquim Leite said “We have to be more forceful in relation to these crimes”.

People are cutting down the forest to create farms and to mine for minerals. Moreover, deforestation of the Amazon has increased under Brazil’s current President Jair Bolsonaro. So, he has faced criticism for not stopping it.

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