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Image depicting ghost shark

Ghost shark discovered at the New Zealand coast


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey there, little sea explorers! Imagine the big, deep ocean like a hidden treasure chest full of mysterious creatures. Some of these creatures are so secret that even the smartest scientists are surprised when they find them!

Guess what? In a faraway place called New Zealand, some really cool scientists made an amazing discovery! They found a special kind of underwater creature called a ghost shark. These ghost sharks have been swimming around the ocean for millions of years, but humans didn’t know about them until recently.

Ghost Shark Secrets!

  • Now, these ghost sharks aren’t like the spooky ghosts you might think of. They’re actually kind of like underwater superheroes. They live super deep down in the ocean, way deeper than where most people can go. We’re talking about a whopping 6,000 feet under the sea! That’s like putting 60 giraffes on top of each other!
  • So, how did these sneaky ghost sharks get discovered? Well, it’s a funny story. The scientists were trying to count a fish called hoki, which lives near New Zealand. But surprise, surprise! They found a baby ghost shark instead. It’s like going to a candy store and finding a shiny coin on the floor!
  • You know what’s super cool? Ghost sharks are a bit like magical creatures. Their babies are kept safe inside egg capsules that are like little underwater homes. These baby sharks eat a special yolk inside the capsules, like how you eat your favorite snacks. And guess what? The scientists showed everyone this amazing discovery on their special website!
  • These ghost sharks have other nicknames too, like ratfish, spookfish, and even rabbitfish! Isn’t that funny? They’re like underwater magicians with their cartilage skeletons instead of bones. It’s like they’re saying, “Who needs bones when you have cartilage?”
  • So, there you have it, little explorers! The deep ocean is full of surprises, and even though these ghost sharks have been around forever, we’re just getting to know them. Keep your eyes wide open, because who knows what other cool creatures are hiding beneath the waves!

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Peek at this adorable baby ghost shark clip!

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