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Discovery of a new shark species that glows in the dark


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

What’s up, information-craving reader? Guess what? Some super smart scientists have found a new kind of shark in the Gulf of Mexico! Yep, you heard it right, a shark that glows in the dark! And they’ve given it a funny name – the American Pocket Shark. Isn’t that just giggle-worthy?

Now, let’s go back in time a little bit. You see, a long time ago, in 1979, someone found the very first pocket shark. But wait, there’s a twist – it was all the way over in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, not the Gulf of Mexico! So, this new discovery is only the second time anyone has ever seen a pocket shark. It’s like finding a super rare treasure!

Glowing Pocket Predator

  • Now, let’s talk about this tiny, little shark. It’s just about 5 and a half inches long. That’s even smaller than your hand! Imagine having a pet shark that can fit in your pocket – well, almost!
  • This special shark isn’t like the regular ones you see at the aquarium. Nope, it’s got a magical power. Its body is covered in teeny-tiny light-making thingies called photophores. They’re like little nightlights that the shark can turn on and off. How cool is that? And that’s not all – this shark is like a superhero with secret pockets! It has two small pockets that make a glowing liquid. It’s like the shark’s own glowing juice!
  • And guess what the shark does with this glowing juice? It’s like having a flashlight for catching food! When the shark wants to have a yummy meal, it squirts out a bit of its glowing juice. It’s like saying, “Hey, come over here, tasty fishies!” And when the curious fish swim over to check out the glow, the pocket shark grabs them for dinner. Sneaky, right?
  • But wait, there’s a fun fact – this pocket shark isn’t the only creature that lights up underwater. Lots of deep-sea critters have this special power. It’s like having a dance party with glow sticks, but underwater!
  • So, here’s what we know: Smart scientists found a tiny shark that glows in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s called the American Pocket Shark, and it’s only 5 and a half inches long. The shark has special lights on its body and two pockets that make glowing juice. The glowing juice helps the shark catch its food, just like a sneaky superhero! This is only the second time anyone has ever found a pocket shark. And guess what? Many deep-sea animals know how to glow, just like the pocket shark.
  • So, the next time you’re at the beach, maybe you’ll think about the pocket shark and its glowing trick. And who knows, maybe you’ll discover something amazing too – like a seashell that sings or a crab that tells jokes! The ocean is full of surprises, just waiting for curious explorers like you.

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Comments: 2
  1. Kristine says:

    If I find one I will keep it as a pet!!!

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