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Word of the Day

  • Anomaly  

    Noun | uh-nom-uh-lee
    something different from the norm

  • Annihilate  

    Verb | uh-nahy-uh-leyt
    to destroy or cause devastating destruction

  • Analogous  

    Adjective | uh-nal-uh-guhs
    similar but not identical

  • Ambivalence  

    Noun | am-biv-uh-luhns
    the state of being uncertain or stuck between two or more options

  • Ambitious  

    Adjective | am-bish-uhs
    having a powerful desire for success or achievement

  • Ambiguous  

    Adjective | am-big-yoo-uhs
    unclear or vague in meaning

  • Altercation  

    Noun | awl-ter-key-shuhn
    a noisy argument or confrontation

  • Allude  

    Verb | uh-lood
    to make a secretive mention of something

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