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Word of the Day

  • Clinical  

    Adjective | klin-i-kuhl
    emotionally unattached (usually used in medical or scientific setting)

  • Civic  

    Adjective | siv-ik
    relating to the city or citizens

  • Capture  

    Verb | kap-cher
    to trap or take possession of

  • Capitalize  

    Verb | kap-i-tl-ahyz
    to use to your advantage

  • Candor  

    Noun | kan-der
    the trait of being honest and frank

  • Candid  

    Adjective | kan-did
    direct, blunt

  • Antipathy  

    Noun | an-tip-uh-thee
    a strong feeling of dislike

  • Anticipate  

    Verb | an-tis-uh-peyt
    assume to be likely to happen

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