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Image depicting Book Review: The World’s Worst Teachers By David Walliams

Book Review: The World’s Worst Teachers

This book is very different from the ones that I have read so far as it contains ten very terrifying tales within.

Each tale in “The World’s Worst Teachers” consists of an impossible and weird teacher who the children, and sometimes fellow teachers fear and hate the most. It describes each teacher’s characteristics and attitudes which makes him/her different from the rest.

For example, there was one teacher named Ms. Seethe who; was 80 years old and deputy head of ‘Rile High School’. (though she carried the aspiration of being the head of the school); showed her rage by waving her walking stick and giving out detention to students whenever she liked and for the silliest reasons, such as sneezing in class, humming while sitting on the toilet, having a birthday on a school day, etc.

Another person, who acted as a teacher in ‘Slop School’ was the dinner lady Mrs. Splatt. She had a metal hand, a rubber ear, a glass eye, and a wooden leg. She uses her metal hand to beat up students who did not eat the lousy food she made. Her food included disgusting things like a sock, a pair of spectacles, a hedgehog, a flip-flop, a used handkerchief full of snot and many more.

Though I have read many books by David Walliams and found all of them very interesting and engaging, when I read ‘The World’s Worst Teachers‘, I felt that it was rather boring. Why I say so because most of the teachers discussed in this book face the same ending i.e., they vanish to be never seen again. Of course, I liked the illustrations in this book as they were bold, well defined and colorful.

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Anshuman Nagpal

Grade 5, Pathways World School, Gurgaon, Haryana

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