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Kuhu’s Canine Collage Celebrates International Dog Day

Pure Paw-sitivity in Pencil

Kuhu’s artistic endeavor is nothing short of marvelous! In a world often hurried by digital impressions, her rough pencil artwork brings a breath of authenticity. The craftsmanship in her collage of 3 drawings has a tactile emotion that really jumps off the page.

Tail-Wagging Talent

The way Kuhu’s celebrated International Dog Day through her art not only showcases her skill but also her heart for our four-legged friends. It’s a wonderful tribute that speaks volumes, both to dog lovers and art enthusiasts.

Inspiring Young Minds

Being a part of La Martiniere Girls’ College, Lucknow, and contributing to Curious Times— a leading platform for children— Kuhu’s setting an exemplary standard. Her creative expression proves that age is no limit for quality, and her work will surely inspire her peers and even older generations to pick up a pencil and start sketching.

Keep Wagging that Pencil!

You’ve got a bright future ahead, Kuhu. Keep doodling, keep dreaming, and above all, keep inspiring. Your art has the power to turn any ‘ruff’ day around!

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Kuhu Kacher

4, La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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