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1000-year-old chicken egg found in Israel


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hello, enthusiastic thinker, guess what? Imagine finding an egg that’s been sitting around for a thousand years! Well, some awesome scientists in Israel did just that! They discovered a super old chicken egg, intact and whole, which is like finding treasure!

Egg-citing History!

  • So, these amazing scientists found the egg in a place called Yavneh, in a hole used to collect yucky stuff from toilets. Eww, gross, right? But hey, it actually helped keep the egg safe from breaking or rotting! They were super careful as they took the egg to their lab, but sadly, it cracked a little bit. Don’t worry, they saved some of the yummy yolk to study later!
  • Oh, and guess what else? Along with the egg, they found some ancient dolls and an oil lamp in that same hole! How cool is that? It’s like a real-life treasure hunt for history!
  • You know what’s funny? Chickens and their eggs were way different a long, long time ago. Back then, chickens and eggs were tiny compared to the ones we know today. And guess what? Chickens lived for a much longer time, like two to four years! That’s like having a chicken friend for a looong time.
  • So there you have it, the story of the ancient egg found in Israel! It’s incredible how the egg survived all those years, thanks to the stinky poop that kept it safe. Those clever scientists are still learning from the egg and its yolk even though it got a tiny crack.
  • And you know what’s even more fascinating? People in the past treated chickens like they were special, like holy objects! Not like today when we mostly see them as yummy food.
  • Next time you see a chicken or eat an egg, remember this fun story and how amazing it is to learn about the past. Who knows, maybe you’ll become a great scientist too and make incredible discoveries! Keep being curious! 

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