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Image depicting 7,000-Year-Old Hide-and-Seek Relics!

7,000-Year-Old Hide-and-Seek Relics!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young explorer! Get ready for a fun-filled adventure into the world of ancient relics found in northwest Iran. Picture this: archaeologists digging up cool stuff that’s been buried for thousands of years. It’s like a treasure hunt on steroids!

So, these super-smart archaeologists stumbled upon some mind-blowing relics near Sufian Hill. And guess what? These relics are a whopping 7,000 years old! That’s older than your great-great-great-great-grandparents, multiplied by a gazillion.

Meet the amazing archaeologist, Mahnaz Sharifi, who’s like Indiana Jones but with a way cooler name. She said they were trying to unravel the secrets of the Old Copper and Stone Ages, particularly the Dalma culture. It’s like diving into a time machine and exploring a prehistoric world.

Okay, get this: they found ancient buildings that were actually meant to stay put! Can you believe it? Most of the 5th millennium BC sites had poor architecture, but this one was a game-changer. It’s like finding a Lego house among a bunch of wobbly Jenga towers.

Inside these ancient buildings, they discovered clay pots that were made using the basket method. Imagine making pots out of baskets—so unconventional! And hold your laughter, because they even stumbled upon an adobe platform. No, it’s not a fancy technology device; it’s an architectural wonder!

But the fun doesn’t stop there! They found something truly unique—a mysterious structure that might have been a furnace or a thermal structure. It’s like finding an alien spaceship in the backyard! This discovery hasn’t been reported anywhere else, making it extra special.

Time Capsule Treasures: Unearthing Ancient Iran!

  • Now, let’s talk about the place where all this exciting stuff happened. Oshnavieh county is an archaeologist’s dreamland. It’s like a layered cake of civilizations that came and went over thousands of years. They have everything from tomb chambers to bas-relief carvings. It’s like a historical buffet!
  • Oh, and be careful, because Oshnavieh has attracted some sneaky illegal excavators and antique smugglers. They’re like mischievous squirrels trying to steal the acorns of history. But don’t worry, our brave archaeologists are on the case to protect these precious relics.

  • Did you know that Oshnavieh was once a booming settlement for the Urartu kingdom? These guys were ruling the show around 860 BC to 590 BC. They were so powerful that even the Medes couldn’t resist them. The Urartians were like the superheroes of ancient times!

  • The Urartu kingdom covered a vast region, including parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Armenia. They built impressive castles and settlements. It’s like playing Minecraft but in real life! Their pottery was top-notch too, made by skilled potters who loved spinning their wheels.

  • And get this: they left behind incredible inscriptions on clay tablets and stones. It’s like they were leaving secret messages for future archaeologists to decipher. They were the original codebreakers!

  • These clever Urartians also knew the importance of water. They practiced irrigation in northwest Iran, turning the Oshnavieh Plain into a farming paradise. They were like ancient agricultural geniuses, making sure everyone had enough food to eat.

  • So, dear reader, imagine being an archaeologist and uncovering ancient relics like these. It’s like being a time detective, solving mysteries from the past. Who knows what amazing discoveries await us in the future? The world is our hilarious, history-filled playground!

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