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Teen Discovers Supernatural Ancient Mirror!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Well met, relentless sleuth of understanding! Let us share with you an interesting story about something an Israeli high-schooler found on a special day of digging!

They were looking for ancient treasures and guess what? They found a broken artifact in northern Israel. But this wasn’t just any old thing; it was a special mirror plaque used long ago to keep away scary demons! Can you believe that?

Now, demons are those spooky creatures that people used to believe in a long time ago. They thought these demons could bring bad luck or harm, so they needed ways to protect themselves. One way was to use these magical mirror plaques. The mirror itself was missing from the artifact, but archaeologists think it could be about 1,500 years old! Wow, that’s a very long time!

Mirror Magic: Unearthing Ancient Protection

  • Imagine having a mirror that can scare away demons! These mirror plaques were used by different people from the late Roman to the early Islamic period. They believed that when the evil spirits saw themselves in the mirror, they would get scared and run away.
  • But, you know what? Some people don’t believe in these things anymore. They think demons are just in stories and not real. Nowadays, if someone feels scared or worried inside, they can talk to special helpers called mental health professionals who can make them feel better. And sometimes, moving on from our fears can also help!
  • In the past, people used all kinds of special things like mirrors, charms, and amulets to protect themselves. It’s like wearing a lucky bracelet or a special necklace for good luck. Some of these magical mirror plaques were even found in baby cribs and on walls like decorations!
  • Archaeologists are like detectives of the past. They study these ancient things to learn about how people lived a long, long time ago. Sometimes they find things that are a bit mysterious, and they have to guess what they were used for.
  • So, in this story, the high-schooler found this ancient mirror plaque, and the archaeologists believe it was used to protect people from demons. They’re not 100% sure, but they think it’s the most likely answer. Maybe the demons saw themselves in the mirror and ran away like scaredy-cats!
  • It’s so cool to learn about the past and how people believed in different things back then. We might not believe in demons and evil spirits now, but it’s fun to hear about their creative ways of dealing with them.
  • And that’s the story of the magical mirror plaque against demons! Remember, it’s just a story from a long time ago, so you don’t need to worry about demons. Keep exploring and learning new things!

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