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96-year-old uses radio to connect to astronaut in outer space


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once upon a time in Canada, there was a wonderful woman named Jean Moffatt. She was very special because she had a dream that she held in her heart for her whole life. And guess what? She didn’t let age stop her from making that dream come true! Can you believe she was 96 years old when it happened? Wow!

Dreams Unleashed: 96-Year-Old’s Space Adventure!

  • Jean loved helping young people learn exciting things at the Ontario Science Center. One of her favorite things to teach was how to use something called a “Ham radio.” It’s not a radio made of ham, don’t worry! (giggles) Ham radios use magical radio waves to send messages and talk to people far away. They can be used for fun, for emergency communication, and even for experiments.
  • But Jean had a big dream. She wanted to talk to an astronaut floating way up in space! Can you imagine that? For many years, she tried to make this dream come true by reaching out over her ham radio. She spoke to people all over the world, but the astronaut seemed so far away.
  • But one day, something amazing happened! With a little help from NASA, Jean’s ham radio connected to the International Space Station, and she could finally talk to an astronaut named Commander Luca Parmitano. She was over the moon with joy! (giggles)
  • Do you know what Jean asked Commander Luca? She was curious if his thoughts about alien life had changed since he left Earth. We wonder what he said! She also asked him about taking care of our planet and cleaning up the environment. Those are very important things, you know!
  • This wonderful story teaches us an important lesson. No matter how old we are, we should never give up on our dreams! Sometimes they take a little longer to come true, but with patience and determination, they can happen!
  • After hearing about Jean’s adventure with her ham radio, we feel inspired too! We think we want to make our own radio now. Maybe we can connect with my friends in the US or even my cousin all the way in Australia! How cool would that be?
  • So, my dear friends, remember Jean’s story and hold onto your dreams. You never know when they might come true, and it could be the most magical and hilarious moment of your life!

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Comments: 2
  1. Mr Manu Sharma says:

    It was not good
    by Aarahya Sharma

    • curioustimes says:

      Dear Aarahya

      Thanks for being such a wonderful reader. We are also happy that you share your comments and views. Do let us know, why did you not like the news.


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