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A solar storm may hit Earth!


Recommended for Middle Grades

As per the predictions by NASA scientists, a solar storm is predicted to hit the Earth today.

What are solar storms?

Solar storms are bursts of mass and energy from the solar surface.

Solar storm to hit Earth

  • The solar storm or solar flare has the potential to cause problems in radio and GPS signals.
  • It is also stated that polar lights will also be seen on Earth due to the solar flare.
  • Solar storms can impact radio signals, and power grids and pose risks to spacecraft and astronauts.
  • As per Dr Tamitha Skov, a snake-like filament has launched as a big solar storm in the Earth’s zone.
  • When solar radiation strikes Earth’s magnetic field and traps radiation belts, it can dump particles into the upper atmosphere of the Earth to cause Aurora.
  • These charged particles can produce their own magnetic fields which can modify Earth’s magnetic field and affect the readings of the compass.
  • These magnetic fields can also produce electricity that can lead to blackouts.
  • Harmful radiations from the solar flare can’t pass through Earth’s atmosphere to affect human beings on the ground.
  • Though, when the radiations are intense, it can disturb the atmosphere in the layer which affects the GPS and communications signals.
  • The year 2021 witnessed lots of solar activities like asteroids striking the Earth.
  • Also, the Sun has been throwing up filaments and brewing sunspots.
  • Though, none has caused any damage.

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The “What If” channel on YouTube considers the potential effects of a solar storm on Earth.

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