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Image depicting A young bird's flight across 13,000 km sets the record for the longest flight!

A young bird’s flight across 13,000 km sets the record for the longest flight!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

A young bird broke a new world record for a nonstop flight. The bird travelled 13,560 km from Alaska to northeast Tasmania. It reached Tasmania 11 days and 1 hour after leaving Alaska on October 23, 2022.

What is a godwit?

The godwits are a group of small birds in the with long legs and have the natural ability to travel long distances for migration.

The young bird was a “godwit”. For the southern summer, members of this species move every year from Alaska to Australia and New Zealand.

Key facts!

  • Birders say that this amazing effort, which was tracked by satellite, breaks that record.
  • What makes this special is that this was a non-stop journey.
  • So the godwit moved itself the whole way through by flapping its wings for nearly 13,000 kilometres.
  • The godwit was able to do this by gaining weight before leaving on its migratory flight.
  • On the way, it used that extra weight as a source of power on their long trip south.
  • “Godwits weigh at most maybe half a kg when they take flight,” birders say.
  • Thus they have to use those body reserves very, very well.
  • As per experts this species is very small and has wings that span less than one metre.
  • Therefore, researchers began satellite tracking of the species’ migratory flight about 12 or 13 years ago.

Youtube user “BTOvideo” shares interesting information about godwits.

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