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Affordable and sustainable coastal energy!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Researchers have found a way to get hydrogen out of seawater without having to filter it first. The results could one day make it possible for coastal areas to make green energy for less money.

What is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the process by which electricity is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.

What is an electrolyser?

An electrolyser is a device that makes hydrogen.

Researchers at the University of Adelaide said that they have made clean hydrogen fuel from saltwater.  They did so without first subjecting the saltwater to any pretreatment.

Key facts!

  • As the world continues to move away from fossil fuels, hydrogen fuel may become more mainstream.
  • Hydrogen fuel is a clean source of energy because when it is burned, it only makes water.
  • The scientists were almost 100 per cent successful at splitting natural seawater into oxygen and hydrogen.
  • Electrolysis was used to make green hydrogen using a cheap and non-precious catalyst in a commercial electrolyser.
  • Then, they separated the oxygen and hydrogen from the natural seawater.
  • Scientists say that the water needs to be cleaned before it can be used in electrolysis to separate seawater into its hydrogen and oxygen parts.
  • The group says in their report that they used a catalyst made of cobalt oxide with chromium oxide on the surface.
  • When compared to freshwater, saltwater is a plentiful resource.
  • Because of this, being able to get hydrogen fuel from saltwater without first putting it through any kind of pretreatment could save money.
  • The next step for the group is to make the system bigger by putting in an electrolyser with more power.
  • After that, the researchers think that they will be able to use what they have learned to make commercial hydrogen in the future.

Youtube user “OMV” explains the process of electrolysis to produce hydrogen from water.

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