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Image depicting AI takes on the universe in exoplanet challenge!

AI takes on the universe in exoplanet challenge!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

In recent years, scientists have discovered thousands of planets outside our solar system, called exoplanets. To learn more about these faraway worlds, NASA is challenging people to use artificial intelligence (AI) to study them.

This challenge, called the AI Exoplanet Challenge, is open to anyone who wants to participate.

The AI Exoplanet Challenge is an exciting opportunity for students and researchers! It gives them an opportunity to learn more about artificial intelligence and exoplanets.

By participating in the challenge, they can develop new skills. Importantly, make important contributions to our understanding of the universe. With innovative technology like AI, we can explore the cosmos and discover new worlds beyond our own.

Important Details

  • The goal of the challenge is to develop AI algorithms that can analyse data from NASA’s Kepler telescope.
  • The Kepler telescope has been observing the stars for over a decade.
  • With this data, participants can identify and classify exoplanets that are orbiting other stars.
  • Participants in the AI Exoplanet Challenge have access to a large dataset of information.
  • For instance like light curves, which show how a star’s brightness changes over time.
  • Thus, by analysing these light curves, AI algorithms can identify dips in brightness.
  • This could further indicate the presence of a planet passing in front of the star.

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NASA teaches you all you need to know about Exoplanet.

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