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AI to minimise online hate speech!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! We’ve got some exciting news for you today. So, you know how sometimes people can be mean or say hurtful things on social media? Well, guess what? There’s a super cool thing called Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can help make social media a safer and friendlier place for everyone!

This company called Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, recently released a report about how AI is making a big difference. They call it their Transparency Report, and it’s like a report card for how well they’re doing at keeping social media nice and kind.

AI: Social Media’s Guardian Angel

  • According to the report, the amount of bullying and mean behavior on Facebook has gone down by 10%, and on Instagram, it’s gone down by 3%. Isn’t that awesome? That means fewer people are being mean to each other online.

  • Meta’s AI is so smart that it can even understand when friends are using funny words to tease each other. It knows the difference between words that might be a bit rude in one situation but totally okay between friends. That’s pretty clever, don’t you think?

  • Oh, and get this: Meta’s AI has also gotten really good at spotting and removing content that promotes violence. So, if someone says or does something on social media that could lead to fighting or hurting others, the AI swoops in and takes care of it. Yay for technology keeping us safe!

  • You know what else? There are fewer posts about bullying and mean stuff on Facebook and Instagram these days. It seems like people are learning to be nicer to each other, and the AI is helping make that happen. Isn’t that fantastic news?

  • Meta is even working hard to tackle serious things like terrorism and drug-related content. They took down a whopping 2.2 million posts related to terrorism and removed 2.5 million posts about drugs in just three months. That’s a lot of bad stuff being taken off the internet!

  • And guess what’s coming up? Meta is organizing a big community forum where thousands of people from different countries will get together to talk about how we can make the internet an even better place. It’s like a big brainstorming session to make sure we’re all safe and happy online.

  • So, my awesome friends, thanks to AI, social media is becoming a kinder and safer place for everyone. Remember to always spread love and positivity in the digital world, just like you do in the real world. Keep shining brightly, and let’s make the internet a happy place to be!

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In a heartfelt endeavor, the YouTube channel “Common Sense Education” features interviews with teenagers bravely sharing their experiences and attempting to shed light on the destructive nature of hate speech.

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