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Image depicting Army Honors Military Dog "Zoom"!

Army Honors Military Dog “Zoom”!


Recommended for Dogs

The Indian Army remembers the legendary elite assault dog known as “Zoom”.  Canine Warrior Zoom suffered severe injuries on October 10 as a result of an army operation in the region of Kashmir.

The use of Zoom was crucial in determining the exact location of the terrorists.

Key facts!

  • During the operation, Zoom played a crucial part not only in pinpointing the exact location of the terrorists.
  • In addition to incapacitating one of them.
  • However, the brave dog ended up getting shot twice in the course of saving the others.
  • Zoom was able to find the other terrorist hiding and returned from the target area.
  • At the target area, he passed out due to the great loss of blood.
  • After that, the canine soldier was promptly transferred to the Army Veterinary Hospital in Srinagar.
  • He continued to fight till the absolute end of his life.
  • On October 13, at 11:50 in the morning, he took his last breath.
  •  The Indian Army believe that it is extremely fortunate to have Army Canine Zoom as a member of the team.
  • Zoom had distinguished himself in these operations with his boundless energy and bravery.

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