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Artificial Life Finds Happiness!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey, imaginative thinker, let’s dive into the world of evolution and synthetic life forms! Evolution is all about how living things change and adapt to survive. Did you know that even synthetic life forms can evolve?

Scientists have been tinkering with genes to create new life forms in their labs, and they recently discovered something very interesting.

Evolution Unleashed: Synthetic Life Surprises!

  • A group of clever scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) in Maryland wanted to see how they could create a synthetic life form with the bare minimum genes needed to survive. They started by building a tiny genome for a bacteria called Mycoplasma mycoides. This new life form was named JCVI-syn1.0, and it was a big breakthrough!
  • But the scientists didn’t stop there. They wanted to make the genome even smaller. They deleted parts of it until they ended up with a super minimal genome called JCVI-syn3.0. This little guy had just 473 genes, which is way less than most organisms have.
  • People thought that this super tiny genome wouldn’t be able to adapt and evolve because it had so few genes. They believed it was stuck and couldn’t change to survive different environments. But guess what? The scientists discovered that they were wrong!
  • Conclusion: Another group of scientists from Indiana University did an experiment with the synthetic life form JCVI-syn3.0 to see if it could evolve. They grew it in the lab for a long time and found out that it could indeed change and adapt over time. It even out-competed the non-evolved version of itself!
  • This discovery is super exciting because it means that synthetic life forms have the potential to evolve, just like natural organisms. It also opens up new possibilities for making useful things like chemicals and medicines on a large scale.
  • Understanding how life forms evolve can also help us fight against things like antibiotic-resistant bacteria and find ways to protect ourselves from harmful pathogens. So, even though synthetic life forms may seem strange and different, they have the power to surprise us and teach us important lessons about the incredible world of evolution.

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