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Image depicting Astronomers discover life 31 light years away!

Astronomers discover life 31 light years away!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Astronomers have discovered a planet that is roughly the same size as Earth. The planet also orbits its star at a distance that allows for it to be potentially habitable for life.

This planet is located 31 lightyears away.

What is an extrasolar planet?

A planet that is not part of our Solar System is called an extrasolar planet.

Key facts!

  • A group of astronomers discovered a nearby red dwarf star called Wolf 1069.
  • Wolf 1069b is the name given to the recently discovered extrasolar planet.
  • It is 1.36 times the mass of Earth.
  • Researchers say that they found a clear, low-amplitude signal from what seems to be a planet about the size of Earth.
  • Also, Wolf 1069b only gets about 65% as much radiation from its star as Earth does from the Sun.
  • Astronomers say their computer simulations reveal that 5% of emerging planetary systems surrounding low-mass stars like Wolf 1069 have a single visible planet.
  • The simulations also show that the core of Wolf 1069b is still molten, similar to the core of the Earth.
  • Thus it could be producing a magnetic field as a result.
  • A temperature map that was simulated for Wolf 1069b shows that the region that is directly facing the star is the most likely place to find liquid water.
  • Since Wolf 1069b does not come between us and its star, the researchers aren’t sure whether Wolf 1069b has an atmosphere.
  • Experts are hoping that with advancements in technology, they’ll be able to investigate the further possibility of life on Wolf 1069b.

NASA teaches you all you need to know about Exoplanet.

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