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Autistic Pride Day!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Autistic Pride Day is held every year on June 18. It is a chance to educate people about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) so that they don’t see autistic people as being in a bad position but as just being unique. People celebrate Autistic Pride Day to honour the rights of people with autism.

What is Autism?

A developmental disorder that makes it hard for a person to talk and interact with others.

As per World Health Organization (WHO), people with autism have trouble getting along with others and talking to them. They often have strange habits and behaviours, like reacting in strange ways to things they feel or having trouble switching from one task to the next.

Key facts about Autistic Pride Day!

  • People with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) wanted a day to celebrate their diversity and the ways they are different. In 2005, the organisation Aspies For Freedom (AFF) started the first Autistic Pride Day.
  • Autistic Pride Day not only brings attention to autism but also encourages people to be more accepting of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • The goal of this day is to bring attention to the fact that autism should not be seen as a disorder but as a difference.
  • It asks people to stop feeling sorry for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and instead see them as unique people with their own traits.

ASD parenting tips!

  • When a child has autism spectrum disorder, it usually takes them longer to understand what is going on. You might need to slow down or speed up your conversation to match theirs. Long pauses are sometimes quite helpful.
  • Help the child figure out how to say they don’t like something without being too mean.
  • The best way to teach children with ASD is through positive reinforcement. Give compliments to others whenever they do something good.
  • All children, including those with ASD, need hugs every once in a while. There are times when they need it a lot more than most other kids.
  • Don’t force a child to accept physical affection if the child doesn’t want it.
  • A child with autism is, above all else, a child. This cannot be stressed enough. They are a person who is growing and has untapped potential. Believe in what the young person can do. Don’t let a diagnosis stop you from getting to know the child.

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Watch a video

National Autistic Society shares a video on Autism.

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