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Image depicting Beauty Salons: Kabul-kut Crisis!

Beauty Salons: Kabul-kut Crisis!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Oh boy, let us tell you about what’s been happening in Afghanistan! It’s been really tough for the women there since the Taliban took over in 2021. These guys are super strict and don’t want women to have any freedom. It’s like they’re playing a really mean game.

Gender Oppression

  • So, get this: the Taliban just made a new rule saying that women can’t have beauty salons anymore. They banned them in Kabul and all over the country. This news came from a TV channel in Afghanistan. The Taliban’s Ministry of Vice and Virtue announced it.
  • We guess the Taliban doesn’t want women to look pretty or something. It’s like they’re trying to control everything women do. It’s not fair at all!
  • A local makeup artist shared how hard this rule is for women. He said that men don’t have jobs, so women have to work in beauty salons to make money for their families. But now, they can’t do that. It’s really tough for them. Another makeup artist said that if women can’t work, they will have nothing to eat. It’s like the Taliban wants them to starve!
  • The Taliban has been doing lots of bad things to women since they took over. They banned girls and women from going to school, working at NGOs, and even going to places like parks and cinemas. They even banned families and women from going to restaurants with gardens! It’s all because they say women and men shouldn’t mix, or because women aren’t wearing something called a hijab.
  • But it doesn’t stop there! The Taliban also stopped girls from going to school after sixth grade and won’t let women go to university. They won’t allow women to have important jobs or be leaders. Women can’t even go to the gym or travel alone without a man with them. It’s like they want to control every part of their lives.
  • People in Afghanistan and around the world are really upset about all of this. They think it’s unfair and not right. They want a plan that respects Islam and the country without hurting women.
  • It’s really important for everyone to stand up for women’s rights and support them. Women should have the freedom to choose what they want to do and be treated equally. Let’s hope things get better for the women in Afghanistan soon and they can live their lives the way they want.

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Get moved by Laila’s poignant performance, shedding light on the struggles faced by Afghan women in our time.

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