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Image depicting Taliban prohibit women's employment at NGOs!

Taliban prohibit women’s employment at NGOs!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, kids! we’ve got some news that might make you go, “What?!” So, listen up! The Taliban, which is a group of people in charge of a country called Afghanistan, made a rule. They said that women can’t work for groups that help people unless they follow their strict rules.

But guess what? The United Nations, a big group of countries, didn’t like that at all! They said it’s not fair and goes against what they believe.

Taliban’s Oppression

  • You know what else? The Taliban also told universities that they can’t let women study there anymore. It’s like they’re closing doors on them!
  • The Taliban said that women have to wear special clothes called hijabs, which cover their hair. If they don’t wear them, the Taliban says they’re breaking the law. Can you imagine that?
  • Now, here’s something interesting. Many of the women who worked for those groups that help people, called NGOs, were the ones who earned money for their families.
  • So, they’re wondering who will take care of their families if they can’t go to work. Some of them are really surprised because they always followed the rules about how to dress. It’s like the Taliban is being very strict with them.
  • This whole situation has made people all around the world very angry. Even important people in the United States are worried about what’s happening.
  • They think it’s not right and against how people should be treated. They’re also worried that women won’t get the help they need if only men are allowed to work for those groups. It’s not just about jobs and schools. The Taliban is stopping women from going to parks and gyms too! It seems like they want to control everything.
  • So, our little friends, that’s the story. The Taliban made a rule that doesn’t let women work for certain groups, and the United Nations doesn’t like it.
  • Many people are upset and worried about what’s going on. It’s important to remember that everyone should be treated fairly and have the same opportunities. Let’s hope things get better for everyone soon!

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Watch a video

Unveiling the Past: “History with Hilbert” on YouTube delves into the fascinating backstory of the Taliban in a concise and captivating manner.

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