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Image depicting Beauty salons sadly close in Afghanistan!

Beauty salons sadly close in Afghanistan!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away called Afghanistan, there were some amazing places called beauty salons. These salons were like magic castles. Here women could go to get their hair and makeup done! They would come out feeling like the most beautiful queens in the kingdom.

But, something happened that made these magical places close their doors, and the women of Afghanistan felt sad and worried.

Enchanted Closures: Afghan Beauty Salons

  • The beauty salons in Afghanistan had been open for a little while, making people happy and even giving jobs to 60,000 people! But then, out of nowhere, the Taliban decided to make a new rule. They said, “No more beauty salons for you, lovely ladies!”
  • And that wasn’t all. Afghan women were already not allowed to go to schools, gyms, or parks, which was just not fair at all! One brave lady named Zarmina was at the salon, getting her hair all pretty when she heard this sad news. She and the others couldn’t help but cry because the salon was like a little secret place where they could feel free.
  • You know, sometimes people make strange rules that don’t seem to make any sense. The Taliban probably didn’t understand how much happiness these salons brought to the women. They thought they were doing the right thing, but they accidentally made everyone feel sad and worried.
  • So, my curious reader, we learned a big lesson today. We should always try to understand each other and not make rules that take away people’s happiness. The beauty salons in Afghanistan were like special places where women could feel strong and beautiful, and now they’re gone.
  • But maybe, one day, those magical doors will open again, and happiness will return to the kingdom. Until then, let’s remember to be kind to each other and keep the spirit of beauty alive in our hearts!

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