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Earth was home to fungi that grew 26 feet tall

Before trees, Earth was home to fungi that grew 26 feet tall


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, young explorers! Get ready to dive into the amazing world of ancient organisms and fascinating discoveries. Did you know that before we had trees on Earth, there were already giant fungi?

That’s right! Scientists have uncovered something truly extraordinary that will make you say “wow!”

Picture this: a mysterious fossil, towering at a whopping 26 feet tall. It stood tall and proud, resembling a tree with its sturdy trunk. But guess what? It wasn’t a tree at all! After more than a hundred years of puzzling over this fossil, scientists finally cracked the case.

Through careful chemical analysis, they discovered that this colossal creature was actually a fungus. And not just any fungus, it was a prehistoric giant! Imagine a fungus that could have walked among the dinosaurs—it’s like a real-life Godzilla!

Important Details

  • This incredible fungus goes by the name Prototaxites. For the longest time, scientists believed it was a conifer tree, but in 2001, a clever scientist named Francois Huber proposed a different idea. He suggested that maybe, just maybe, this massive organism was actually a fungus. And you know what? He turned out to be right! Another scientist named C. Kevin Boyce confirmed Huber’s theory later on. Talk about a Eureka moment!
  • But hold on, my curious friends, because giant fungi are not just a thing of the past. In 1998, another mind-blowing discovery took place. A colossal fungus named Armillaria ostoyae was found in the United States, and it shattered all records! This mammoth fungus claimed the title of the world’s largest known organism, stretching across a mind-boggling 2,384 acres. That’s like having 1,800 football fields covered in fungus!
  • Can you believe it? This colossal fungus has been growing for thousands of years. Based on its current growth rate, scientists estimate that it’s around 2,400 years old. But get this—it could be even older, dating back a jaw-dropping 8,650 years! That would make it one of the oldest living organisms on our planet. It has truly stood the test of time.
  • With discoveries like Prototaxites and Armillaria ostoyae, scientists continue to uncover the secrets of our planet’s past. Who knows what other incredible organisms are waiting to be discovered?

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Experience awe and captivation in a mind-blowing video depicting the breathtaking moment when fungi transformed into colossal tree-sized wonders!

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